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The Films of Bill Forsyth | The 80s Movie Podcast

In this episode, we discuss the career of one of the best filmmakers to come out of 80s cinema: Scottish filmmaker Bill Forsyth.

Oh, you've never heard of him? Or you're only familiar with one of his films? Join us on a cinematic journey through the career of a filmmaker who regularly revisited themes of loneliness, isolation, and alienation, and made them hilarious, touching, and poignant.


The films discussed during this episode (all directed by Bill Forsyth):
That Sinking Feeling (1979)
Gregory's Girl (1981)
Local Hero (1983)
Comfort and Joy (1984)
Housekeeping (1987)
Breaking In (1989)
Being Human (1994)
Gregory's Two Girls (1999)

Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/episode/9105893?utm_source=youtube