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Indie Podcaster - Podcasting Sucks! Lets Talk Video Podcasting!

This content is repurposed from an episode of Good Morning Podcasters- Podcasting Sucks! These are bonus episodes where Fuzz Martin and Jeff Townsend take a cathartic look at podcasting.On this week's edition of Podcasting Sucks! with Jeff Townsend & Fuzz Martin, the guys explore a recent study from Cumulus about podcast...viewership. Younger generations embrace mobile video as a part of their listening experience, and if you want to stay relevant, it might be time to start thinking about incorporating video into your show. Podcasting Sucks! (https://www.goodmorningpod.com/about-the-shows) Good Morning Podcasters and Podcasting Sucks!: All rights reserved to Snoring Dog Media, LLC. & Jeff Townsend Media, LLC.
Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/episode/12720693?utm_source=youtube
Jeff Townsend Media