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Indie Podcaster - Podcasting Sucks! Is Twitter Blue worth it?

This content is repurposed from an episode of Good Morning Podcasters- Podcasting Sucks! These are bonus episodes where Fuzz Martin and Jeff Townsend take a cathartic look at podcasting.This week, the guys talk about the new Twitter Blue verification program and what it could potentially mean for podcasters. So what do you think? Are you going to sign up? Should you? Podcasting Sucks! (https://www.goodmorningpod.com/about-the-shows) Good Morning Podcasters and Podcasting Sucks!: All rights reserved to Snoring Dog Media, LLC. & Jeff Townsend Media, LLC.
Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/episode/12603642?utm_source=youtube
Jeff Townsend Media