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Indie Podcaster - Jack Rhysider from Darknet Diaries

Join Jeff, aka Podcast Father on his journey as the Indie Podcaster. Episode #41 Creator Spotlight: Jack Rhysider from Darknet Diaries.Darknet Diaries: True stories from the dark side of the InternetJack created this podcast in 2018, has built a large audience, and is able to do this full time.Jeff and Jack discuss various things; why and how he started the podcast and people/podcasts that influenced him, and the challenges and success he has had as a content creator.Other podcasting things discussed:The importance in good story telling on your podcast.Building and engaging with the audience/community.Content over equipment when you start podcasting.Early marketing strategies for a podcaster.Opinions and advice on monetization, Apple Podcasts subscriptions, and Patreon.This episode is a treasure chest full of great information for content creators!Thanks for listening and thanks for telling a friend! More importantly, thank you for supporting independent creators. Check out all of Jack's great podcasting resources! (https://blog.lime.link/) Make sure you give Jack's podcast Darknet Diaries a listen! (https://darknetdiaries.com/) Indie Podcast Father (Jeff's) website. (https://www.podcastfather.com/) All music credited to artist Yung Kartz, check out the site here. (https://www.yungkartzbeats.com/) Podcasters, go to Indie Drop-In Network and submit your episode to be featured on an established feed (https://indiedropin.com/) /podcast. Use PodcastPage to create a professional website for your content. Use the code INDIEPODCASTER to get 15% off! (https://podcastpage.io/) Content creators, use Riverside.fm-- the easiest way to record studio-quality podcasts and video interviews from anywhere! (https://riverside.fm/)
Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/episode/7429302?utm_source=youtube
Jeff Townsend Media