Join Jeff, aka Podcast Father on his journey as the Indie Podcaster. Episode #29 Creator Spotlight: Aaron from Generation Why Podcast.Aaron and Justin created this podcast nearly ten years ago and are considered one of the first true crime podcasters. Other popular true crime podcasters mention Aaron and Justin as major influencers.Jeff and Aaron discuss various things; how Aaron and Justin met, why they started the podcast and how/why it has evolved over time.Aaron speaks about how he deals with the both the positivity and negativity that come with the podcast. They also talk about how much podcasting has grown over the last ten years and Aaron shares advice for content creators.Thanks for listening and thanks for telling a friend! More importantly, thank you for supporting independent creators. Make sure you give Generation Why Podcast a listen. ( Podcast Father (Jeff's) website. ( All music credited to artist Yung Kartz, check out the site here. ( Podcasters, go to Indie Drop-In Network and submit your episode to be featured on an established feed ( /podcast.
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Jeff Townsend Media