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Generation Gap: The A Nightmare on Elm Street series | The 80s Movie Podcast

Your humble host and podcasting guru Jeff Townsend talk about the Nightmare on Elm Street series from their different generational points of view.


On this episode, we are going to complete our miniseries on the Nightmare on Elm Street series with a discussion between myself and Jeff Townsend, the Podcast Father (https://podcastfather.com), about the movies. I know how most people of my generation, Gen X, feel about these movies. I was there to see it firsthand, first as a film goer, then as a theatre manager. What I wanted to get was an opinion from the generation after mine, and Jeff fits that bill. He wouldn’t be born until after the third movie in the series, The Dream Warriors, was released into theatres, placing him squarely in the Millennial generation.

Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/episode/11899716?utm_source=youtube