My first Fallout 4 playthrough in 7 years, live streamed on TikTok. During part 1: I signed up to live in a vault right before a nuke was dropped,. Once in the vault we were frozen for 200 years. At some point during the 200 years my wife was killed and my son was kidnapped. I escaped the deserted vault, found a random perfectly normal dog, met a group of people dressed like 1776 militia men called the Minutemen. Then I killed a massive ugly creature called a Deathclaw.
Jeff Gaming: I'm a subpar gamer that has no fancy sound effects or edits. Playing this game just to experience the storyline. *Mods on = I don't care. If you don't enjoy this, don't watch it. You won't hurt my feelings any. If you want to be a part of the stream, find me on TikTok at PodcastFather.